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SQ Planning

Estimate SQ/ticket/fruits(apple) amounts at each day in future.


Large difference with the true SQ data, many rewards are not predictable and not counted.

SQ income

Now, only predictable incomes are included:

  • continuous login bonus: 2(1 SQ),4(1 SQ),6(2 SQs),7(1 Ticket)
  • Cumulative login bonus: 30 SQs per 50 days
  • Weekly mission rewards: 21 fragments = 3 SQs, settled every Monday
  • Mana Prism shop: 5 Tickets, settled at first day of every month
  • Event rewards
    • only include rewards of quests, 100 tasks or point tasks
  • Permanent Extra Master Mission
    • limited extra master mission not included

Others not included: maintenance compensation, campaign login rewards and other gifts directly sent to mailbox. These are not predictable and differ among each game server.

Setting Tab

  1. Current held SQ/Ticket/Apple, 7 fragments = 1 SQ, 1 gold apple=2 silver apples=14.2 bronze apples
  2. Start date and end date
  3. Current continuous and cumulative login
  4. Day difference between current game server and JP server
  5. Whether to include weekly mission rewards
  6. Extra Master Mission: custom obtainable missions during selected dates
    • Every mission shows the open date in JP, the missions outside the selected dates will display grey style

Result Table

For each row:

  • date/week, cumulative and continuous login
  • cumulative SQ, Ticket and Apple
    • the below +x means the obtained count at that day
  • opened events and summons at that day

Since many SQs are not and hard to predict, the result may be far from the true values. Anyway , just for fun.

If you have other reliable SQ data source or improvement advice, please tell me.

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